Learning objective

Relate 2

A one term respectful relationship program consisting of 8 scaffolded sessions covering - creating a group agreement, assessing prior knowledge, difference between gender stereotypes and expectations, respectful relationship qualities, non-consensual image sharing, decision making frameworks, communication techniques, ethical bystanders and critical analysis of websites.

Each stage can be delivered in isolation but is best delivered sequentially.

Stage 2 is suggested for Year 8 or 9 but may be suitable for lower or higher year groups depending on student demographics.

Take home messages



  • See RELATE Stage 2 pdf in the resource section for full program including lists of materials required for each session

Learning activities

Sample session plan pages and activity sheets:

Lesson plan
Lesson plan 5
Stage 2 poster
Stage 2 worksheet

See RELATE Stage 2 full program (18MB) for the entire package of lesson plans including lists of materials required for each session, posters, activity sheets and teaching notes.

Sexual Health Quarters (SHQ) conducted the research and original development of RELATE (1st and 2nd edition). SHQ has had no involvement with any subsequent updates or editions of RELATE

Assessment tasks

Assessment task - teacher instructions

Assessment task - student instructions

Assessment task - marking key

Assessment task - marking key excel spreadsheet

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Email the GDHR Team at gdhr@health.wa.gov.au

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