Learning objective
A one term respectful relationship program consisting of 8 scaffolded sessions covering - creating a group agreement, assessing prior knowledge, difference between gender stereotypes and expectations, respectful relationship qualities, non-consensual image sharing, decision making frameworks, communication techniques, ethical bystanders and critical analysis of websites.
Each stage can be delivered in isolation but is best delivered sequentially.
Stage 2 is suggested for Year 8 or 9 but may be suitable for lower or higher year groups depending on student demographics.
Take home messages
Curriculum links
RELATE has been designed to improve students' knowledge, attitudes, skills and behaviours to recognise and engage in respectful relationships. This includes increased:
- awareness of, and respect for, diversity
- understanding of the impact of gender expectations and social norms on relationships and sexual health
- understanding of, and skills for, ethical behaviour in the context of relationships
- skills to establish and maintain positive, equitable and respectful relationships
- capacity to identify and address disrespectful behaviour
- digital literacy skills
- critical analysis skills
- knowledge of, and ability to access, a range of support people and services.
It provides opportunities for young people to explore attitudes and peer, gender, social and cultural influences that impact on behaviour in relationships; identify perceived and actual peer norms and rectify incorrect perceptions; examine their expectations and the value they place on different behaviours within relationships as well as develop skills and confidence to carry out desired behaviours (self-efficacy).
Gender analysis is core to the approach of the RELATE program. Gender inequality and gendered expectations in relationships are understood as key issues underpinning the occurrence of relationship violence and poor sexual health outcomes. Gender is explored by considering individuals within the context of relationships, communities and society. This is extended using a human rights framework, that considers not only gender but includes race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, disability, religion and culture.
RELATE Stage 2 covers all of the Personal, social and community health descriptors in the Year 8 and Year 9 Health and Physical Education Syllabus. See RELATE 2 WA Curriculum Mapping (63KB) for descriptors mapped to individual session plans.

Key understandings
Session 1: Part 1 - Establishing a group agreement.
Purpose: To provide students with an opportunity to explore and discuss factors that make for a safe and supportive learning environment for all.
It is important to follow the class agreement so that everyone feels safe to learn and share their ideas.
Session 1: Part 2 - KWL (Know, Want to know, Learnt)
Purpose: to revise concepts of RELATE: Stage 1, to remind students of appropriate language; recognise prior knowledge of students; to give students an opportunity to record what they would like to find out about gender, respectful relationships, communication and sexting.
I already have some knowledge about gender, respectful relationships, communicating and sexting but there is a lot more to learn and understand.
Session 2: Gender NOT sex
Purpose: To help students understand the difference between ‘sex’ and ‘gender’ and to recognise gender stereotypes.
‘Sex’ describes the biological features that a person is born with that are used to determine whether they are male or female. ‘Gender’ describes the roles and expectations that families, culture, society, religion and the media assign to what it is to be a ‘man’ or a ‘woman’.
Gender stereotypes can be damaging if they limit people’s behaviours, interests, skills or relationships.
Session 3: Respect - What's OK and What's not OK?
Purpose: To revise what a respectful relationship is; To identify examples of respectful and disrespectful relationships in the film Tagged.
Everyone has the right to respectful relationships both face-to-face (in person) and online at all times.
Session 4: 4 Questions
Purpose: To identify a framework for considering the safety and respect of people in a situation.
There are 4 questions I can ask myself when I need to consider choices, consequences and safety of my actions. Relationship? Safe? My decision? Feel OK?
Session 5: What's the status?
Purpose: To identify the impact of online behaviour on individuals and others in relationships; To apply the 4 Questions framework in situations regarding online messages.
How I respond to people online, messaging and face-to-face can influence both positively and negatively how they feel about themselves and their relationships with others. Online messages can be easily misunderstood.
Session 6: Who said what?
Purpose: To revise and apply knowledge of communication styles; to reflect on personal communication styles.
Being assertive is an important skill that I can practise so that I can communicate respectfully and effectively with others.
Session 7: Telling stories
Purpose: To review and apply the concepts of being an ethical bystander, respectful relationships, assertive communication, 4 questions framework.
By being an ethical bystander, I can help to positively influence the choices, decisions and actions of others.
Session 8: Helpful websites
Purpose: To determine the appropriateness and reliability of online health information; to critically analyse a health website.
Being critically aware of the information I read is important so that I can determine if it is accurate, reliable and useful.
- See RELATE Stage 2 pdf in the resource section for full program including lists of materials required for each session
Learning activities
Sample session plan pages and activity sheets:
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See RELATE Stage 2 full program (18MB) for the entire package of lesson plans including lists of materials required for each session, posters, activity sheets and teaching notes.
Sexual Health Quarters (SHQ) conducted the research and original development of RELATE (1st and 2nd edition). SHQ has had no involvement with any subsequent updates or editions of RELATE.
Assessment tasks
Assessment task - teacher instructions
Assessment task - student instructions
Assessment task - marking key
Assessment task - marking key excel spreadsheet