Learning objective
Students research and develop quiz questions for young people about safer sex. The questions are combined to create a class quiz for students to complete.
Take home messages
Curriculum links
(ACPPS095): Critically analyse and apply health information from a range of sources to health decisions and situations.
Internation technical guidance for sexuality education
- The human body and development.
- Violence and staying safe.
- Student activity sheet: Safer sex quiz questions_student instructions (display on board and/or 1 copy for each pair of students)
- Student activity sheet: Safer sex quiz questions_student assessment task (1 copy for each pair of students - electronic or hardcopy)
- Teacher resource sheet: Safer sex quiz questions_marking key (display on board and/or 1 copy per student)
- Online access for research (bookmark approved websites)
- Compiled class quiz for session 2 - paper or electronic version
Before you get started
- Allow two lessons for the completion of this assessment task.
- Review these websites before providing to students for research.
healthysexual.com.au (WA Department of Health)
getthefacts.health.wa.gov.au (WA Department of Health)
stoptherise.initiatives.qld.gov.au/blog/sexually-transmissable-infections-myths-vs-truths (Queensland Health)
headspace.org.au/young-people/understanding-sex-risks-health-and-contraception (headspace)
Learning activities
Session 1: Creating quiz questions
45 minutes
- Divide the class into pairs. Allocate each pair 'Pregnancy/Contraception' or 'STIs' as topics to research.
- Explain to students:
"You have been given a topic of either 'Pregnancy/Contraception' or 'STIs'. With your partner, use the following websites to research and write five questions and answers that are suitable to ask your class to test their knowledge:
With your partner, write:
- 1 true or false question
- 1 multiple choice question
- 1 definition question
- 1 short answer question
- 1 description question"
Teaching tip: Electronic surveys can be created on programs such as SurveyMonkey or Mentimeter.
- Display Student activity sheet: Safer sex quiz questions_student instructions and/or provide students with a copy. Explain each of the questions types.
- Display Safer sex quiz questions_student assessment task and give each pair of students a copy.
- Explain:
"When writing your answers:
- give detailed evidence to support each answer
- reference each answer with the website you used
- you must use a minimum of three of the websites listed
- complete the activity sheet including the critical analysis and refection questions."
- Display the Safer sex quiz questions_marking key or provide a copy to each student. Discuss the mark allocations so that students are aware of what is required to be successful in this assessment task.
Allow time for students to complete the activity sheets and collect at the end of lesson.
Session 2: Class quiz
45 minutes
Prior to next session, choose 25 of the students' questions to compile a class quiz. The quiz can be asked orally with students writing answers, or as a written quiz on paper or electronically on programs such as SurveyMonkey or Mentimeter.
Teaching tip: consider differentiation for students with lower literacy levels. Quiz questions may have picture prompts or the questions recorded to be read aloud. The quiz could be conducted in pairs or groups.
- Conduct the class quiz as an assessment of the student's learning.
- Provide the answers and explanations upon completion.
3-2-1 Reflection
Thought shapes
Triangle = The most important thing I have learnt is....
Square = What I have 'all squared away' in my head is... OR The thing I have really understood well is...
Star = What I enjoyed/What I was really good at...
Heart = How I feel about using the skills and ideas I have learnt is...OR The thing I enjoyed most is...
Circle = The thoughts still going around in my head are...
- Display shapes and questions in classroom to refer to.
- Students can volunteer to share one answer verbally.
- A set of cards can be made and picked randomly (or given out selectively by the teacher).
- Students write down their answers next to each of the shapes on paper or in a journal.
Health promoting schools
Background teacher note: Health promoting schools framework.
Partnerships with school staff
- Invite the school nurse to your class to answer some of the question box questions. This serves two purposes - they may be able to answer some of the questions you are unsure of and helps to build a relationships between the students and the nurse.
- The school nurse may like to take small groups of students requiring additional or specialised care to run separate activities with on this topic.