Since 2019, the WA Department of Health (WA Health) has offered small grants to WA schools to support their relationships and sexuality education (RSE) programs. The aim of these grants is to provide the resources that will assist in the provision of effective and comprehensive RSE. Learn more about the RSE grants in this short video...
Who can apply
Any school throughout WA can apply. Applications can be submitted by any teacher/staff member with support from their Principal.
To apply for a RSE grant of up to $1,200, fill out the School RSE grant application package.
What can be funded
Schools can apply for grants for short community projects. Some ideas are listed below and there are examples of previously funded projects at the bottom of the page.
- Parent workshops – facilitated by teachers and/ or students
- Competitions to create adverts (radio/ TV/ social media) promoting positive RSE behaviours
- Creation of a ‘health’ room that can be used to display RSE health messages and posters
- Creation of a collaborative art piece with an RSE theme
- Development of a puberty kit for puberty lessons
- Purchase of books and resources to support the GDHR lessons
- Development of a whole school RSE Policy in consultation with staff, parents, community members and students
- An idea of your own! (You may wish to discuss your idea with a GDHR WA Health representative prior to completing the application.)
When projects are funded
- Grants will be assessed on a first come first served basis in conjunction with eligibility requirements and awarded until budget is exhausted.
- Schools will be notified of outcome of application within 10 working days of full application submission.
- Successful grant recipients will receive funding 4 weeks after providing an invoice for payment of the grant.
- Schools are not required to wait for grant funds to start purchasing/implementing the grant project.
Applying and reporting requirements
- Complete the School RSE grant application package and email to gdhr@health.wa.gov.au
- Upon completion of the project an evaluation form must be completed providing a brief summary of the project implementation, evaluation of its results and the acquittal of funds.
- The project evaluation must be returned via email by the end of Term 4.
Contact details
E: gdhr@health.wa.gov.au
T: (08) 9222 4447
Previously funded RSE grant projects
- Awareness-raising event: High school, South West region
Project Overview
Our Mental Health and Well Being Team ran a Rainbow Day on May 28th to celebrate IDAHOBIT Day [International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Lesbophobia and Transphobia]. At Break 1 we held a Rainbow Celebration which included a Rainbow Pledge Wall, bracelet making stand, information stall and giveaways like Rainbow flags, lollies and stickers. Our school service club also ran a rainbow cupcake stall with monies raised to be used to support the set-up of our new Honeybee Club (LGBTQI+ support group). At Period 5 we also ran a Rainbow Colour Run for all our Year 7 students. The event highlighted the need for continued education on gender and sexuality diversity as many students had lots of questions for staff at the info stand. The greatest outcome was feedback from LGBTQI+ students who felt supported, accepted and acknowledged.Project Evaluation
This just reinforces our schools need to continue education around gender and sexual diversity and continue to provide PBS (Positive Behaviour Strategies) lessons on acceptance, diversity, and respectful relationships. The development of our Honeybee Club beginning in Term 4 is also a step closer to our aim of having a whole school approach to RSE. The club is open to all year groups and we have already had a lot of interest from students. Following in from the success of the event our Principal approved the YEP Project coming in Term 3 to present workshops to student and run 2 staff PD’s on LGBTQI+ and Healthy Relationships.- Educational resources: High school, Mandurah area
Project Overview
A bank of resources was purchased for the effective delivery of teaching lessons based on relationships. The school purchased several items to compliment the delivery of lessons in relation to sexual education, including a large flip chart on contraception, condom demonstrators along with condoms, and a game which sequences the process of applying and books to support the delivery. It was really good having authentic resources that the students could engage with when learning the concepts of sexual relationships.
Project Evaluation
The project provided the teacher with the capacity to deliver effective RSE in class, which in turn improved the knowledge, skills and attitudes of a group of 15 students with special education needs. Using the funds, the teacher purchased resources that were concrete tools the students could interact and engage with, which provided a much more effective lesson structure. Students were motivated to learn new concepts based around STI’s and contraception. As a result, all students were fully engaged and participated in the lesson intentions.- Creation of a health room: High school, Wheatbelt region
Project Overview & Evaluation
This grant was one of the most beneficial grants we have utilised since my time teaching. We used the funds for a mental health room which the students now call 'The Happiness Hub'. There are a range of books on sexual health for the students to access in a safe space. They also have the opportunity to participate in mindfulness using the yoga mats and colouring books on offer. Students also use this space if they want to have a chat with a teacher about puberty or their mental health or utilise the question box. It is a lovely space that the kids love!
- Menstrual underwear: Primary school, Perth metro
Project Overview
Research was conducted by the Deputy Principal to find a high quality, sustainable, Australian owned brand that offered menstrual products for young people. ModiBodi was selected. As part of their health and sexual education classes, Year 5 and 6 students learnt about menstrual products and those available to them. Students were given information on ModiBodi products and were invited to select a size and style that suited them from the range of period underwear on offer at ModiBodi. The underwear was ordered and distributed to students in Term 2 2022. Positive feedback was received from the school community, school board, P&C, school staff and from students.Project Evaluation
The project enabled the school to support students experiencing period poverty by providing quality products and education to prevent further shame and embarrassment related to menstruation.- Educational books and resources: High school, Wheatbelt region
Project Overview
[The school] have implemented a whole school health education plan which incorporates lesson plans from GDHR in Years 6-10. The whole school plan and lessons have been developed and selected to target the specific needs of the student population. This grant will help update our current resources, purchase additional resources to assist in the hands-on implementation of these lessons and improve teacher knowledge in answering question box questions. In receiving this grant, [the school] will be able to improve the quality of Sexual Health & Reproductive lessons and continue them in years to come.I purchased resources (locally) for a puberty kit to implement interactive lessons from GDHR. This helped engage Pilipino, Aboriginal and low literacy students who find it difficult and embarrassing (shame) engaging in this topic. I included applicator tampons (from the local pharmacy) to encourage students to gain confidence to try tampons to reduce problems of “not being able to do sports such as swimming” during their period.
I also purchased a contraceptive kit and flipchart for visual/physical aids in teaching contraception options to year 9/10 students. This was great in giving simple, easy to understand information and physical implements to compare contraceptive options. The condom game was a fun finishing game to help gain student familiarity with condoms.
In all classes I used the question box receiving several questions each lesson. The purchase of “The sex education answer book” was helpful in answering questions which arose from this.
Overall, the resources helped better engage students and give myself (teacher) assistance in giving up to date, relevant and factual information. I also attended RSE training during this time and would love to gain further funding in the future for the purchase of other resources I was exposed to during this.
Project Evaluation
The project helped deliver the whole school program by giving us up to date, visual and tactile resources to assist in activities. In end of term assessments students showed a greater understanding of consent, the range of contraceptives and the appropriateness of their use for differing scenarios, the importance of hygiene and strategies to deal with the changes associated with puberty. The demeanour of students when talking on this subject is one of greater maturity and understanding rather than shame. They have felt more comfortable asking questions out loud and in the question box, giving them the knowledge they need to tackle the challenges they are facing.- Puberty kit ('high school survival kits'): Primary school, Perth metro
Project Overview
The project was implemented in term 4 2021 and impacted our Year 6 students positively. We were able to provide High School Survival packs to all students which tied in with our growth and development programs and high school transition.Project Evaluation
Each year we teach RSE to our Year 6’s but last year we involved parents in the discussions and recruited parents to purchase bulk items for our high school survival packs. These packs were sent home with government provided booklets for all families to discuss RSE with their children.- Female reproduction anatomy kit: High school, Goldfields region
Project Overview
Resources [Magno-Mate Reproductive kit] were purchased to support the health program and deliver a more comprehensive hands-on knowledge of RSE. The resources were used alongside of SDERA [School Drug Education and Road Aware] resourcing that supported developing respectful relationships and growing bodies. Outcomes were that the resourcing supported whole school programming and delivery of the health program.Project Evaluation
Students were able to use the resourcing to develop a thorough understanding of the female anatomy and the reproductive system. Facilitators including the community health nurse runs sessions that include the use of resources. Students are assessed in the health area in reporting to parents and all students have achieved solid grades in this area.