Puberty Boy Puberty Boy explains the transitions that boys need to go through to become healthy young men in a unique, colourful and commonsense way.Price (2005) Bodies Friendships Puberty Upper primary Lower secondary Middle secondary Australian Books
No more teasing! Fiction book discussing bullying and how to be a good friend."Mimi loves her cousin Momo but he teases her all the time and she doesn't like it. Grandma helps to make a cunning plan so that Momo soon realises that teasing isn't such a good idea."Recommended for ages 4+Chichester Clark (2004) Emotional literacy Families Friendships Lower primary Parent International Books
Sex. Youth Law Australia Youth Law Australia give free and confidential legal advice about sex and dating. This site discussed sex, dating, and relationships. Go Consent Friendships Intimate relationships Law Parenting Reproduction Safer sex Sex education Sexting Sexual health STIs and BBVs Lower secondary Upper secondary Middle secondary Teacher Parent Australian Support services Websites