Key messages
- GDHR is continually reviewed and updated to align with the current Western Australian (WA) Curriculum.
- GDHR aligns with the WA Curriculum Guiding Principles.
- GDHR assists in meeting a many of the General Capabilities.
WA Curriculum
The new GDHR website is fully aligned to the WA Curriculum Version 9 which is an adaption of the Australian Curriculum Version 9. It is fully mapped to the Health and Physical Education Scope and Sequence PP-10.
WA Curriculum guiding principles
GDHR aligns with the WA Curriculum guiding principles which promote equity and excellence in WA schools.
GDHR meets the following WA Curriculum Values:
- Respect and concern for others and their rights - the foundation of relationships and sexuality education is respectful relationships, from family and friends, through to intimate relationships. This is developed from early years through to high school by building on emotional literacy, communication, and conflict resolution skills.
- Self-acceptance and respect of self - our sexuality is a central part of what makes us uniquely who we are and is a major influence on our thoughts, feelings and actions. Sexuality is not just about sex, it involves personal values, relationships, expression, behaviours, culture, love, self-respect and acceptance. All GDHR lessons promote self-esteem and resilience to empower young people to make informed decisions about their health and wellbeing.
- Social and civic responsibility - social justice, diversity of expression and respecting the basic human and sexual rights of others is core to the GDHR resources. These values underpin all lessons but also feature as key learning objectives in lessons across all year groups.
Principles of teaching and learning
The WA Curriculum Principles of Teaching, Learning and Assessment focus on the provision of a school and class environment that is intellectually, socially and physically supporting of learning.
GDHR provides these principles of teaching and learning by supporting schools to ensure that all WA students have...
- the opportunity to learn through a comprehensive RSE program
- connection and challenges to expand their knowledge, develop their skills
- learning activities that encourage action of healthy and safe choices and reflection of their values, attitudes and behaviours.
- motivating and purposeful learning experiences that teach 'real life skills' in 'real life contexts' through interactive and engaging activities
- inclusivity and difference embraced by respecting the diverse experiences of the students, using trauma-informed practices that allow students of all abilities to participate fully in each lesson in ways that suits their learning styles.
- the opportunity to learn both independently and collaboratively through a wide range of engaging learning activities
- a supportive environment that is safe, non-judgemental and free from harassment, stereotypes, and put downs.
GDHR offers assessments tasks that are an integral part of the program, that are educative and contribute to learning. GDHR assessment tasks avoid being solely knowledge based and aim to provide students with opportunities to apply their learning. They are designed to allow all students of all abilities to show their understandings and provide clear outlines of what is expected of students to ensure they are fair. Each assessment task meets a specific purpose and is designed to inform reporting to assist in school-wide evaluation processes.
Student diversity
GHDR believes that all students have the right to equitable relationships and sexuality education that embraces diversity. This right is enshrined in the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child. Education must be inclusive of students' individual strengths and needs. Differences in terms of ethnicity, language, culture, gender, socioeconomic status, disability, sexual orientation or geographic location should not be allowed to detract from a student access to high-quality relationships and sexuality education.
General capabilities
GDHR assists with meeting the following general capabilities:
- Literacy - health literacy skills are vital to navigate relationships and sexual health content, particularly online. With social media influencers and websites misinterpreting key message and not being evidence based, it is vital that young people learn to critically analyse what they are consuming. Healthy literacy underpins all GDHR lessons with specific lessons on critically analysing online content.
- Numeracy - although not a major component of GDHR, there are many RSE maths opportunities to explore, such as STI and BBV epidemiology and health survey statistics.
- Information and Communication Technology - understanding technology such as AI, algorithms that affect our 'feed' and 'targeting marketing', and the eco-chamber that is social media are vital skills weaved into the GDHR lessons to help young people be more health literate.
- Critical and creative thinking - critical and creative thinking are a key component of decision-making skills, formulating contingency plans and help-seeking behaviours. Empowering student to have informed decision-making skills to make healthy and safe choices about their relationships is the aim of GDHR. Learning activities are scaffolded to develop these skills from early years through to high school and beyond.
- Personal and social capability - GDHR helps students to understand themselves and others. Recognising and regulating emotions, developing empathy for others, and assertive communication are the foundations for building positive relationships and making responsible decisions.
- Ethical understanding - exploring values is core to all GDHR lessons. Through the learning activities, students can explore their own and others values and ethics in a safe and supportive environment.
- Intercultural understanding - the GDHR resources encourage intercultural understanding through learning activities that encourage discussion and sharing. The teaching strategies and learning activities are sensitive to different cultures and beliefs and celebrate differences.