Key messages
- Relationships and sexuality education is the shared responsibility between parents/carers, schools and the community.
- Parents are the primary educators of their children and teach important health messages, beliefs and values.
- A strong partnership approach is vital for best practice RSE.
- Most parents support school-based RSE as long as they are informed about what is being covered.
- Sample letters for notifying parents have been provided to use and adapt.
- A list of strategies for engaging parents is provided.
Shared responsibility
RSE provides a great opportunity for schools, parents/carers and community to work together to promote positive attitudes, behaviours and development of vital life skills.
Parents as primary educators
Home is the first place a child learns important health messages, beliefs and values that lay the foundations for their relationships and sexual development. Parents, carers and other significant adults in a child's life are essential partners with schools in ensuring that children are given accurate, reliable and appropriate health information in a supportive environment. Young people's perceptions and behaviours are greatly influenced by family and community values, social norms and conditions, and media - so cooperation and support of families needs to be sought from the outset and regularly reinforced.
Strong partnership approach
GDHR recognises parents as the primary relationships and sexuality educators of their children. School programs aim to build upon home education and support young people to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes to make informed choices about their relationships and sexual health. Just like all other subject areas, students come to school with a wide range of prior learning and base level of knowledge. RSE teaching has the additional challenge of navigating a diverse set of values and belief systems that can impact teaching and learning.
Most parents support sexual health in schools as long as they are informed about what is being covered in advance. Research shows that parents what a partnership approach and would like teachers to have specialist training in RSE.1
Parent support for school-based RSE
In 2021, a survey was conducted of 2,427 Australian parents of children aged 4-18 years across differing schools systems.
General attitudes towards RSE from WA parents (643 parents)
92.6% of parents 'agreed' or 'strongly agreed' that RSE should be provided in school.
Over 90% of parents 'agreed' or 'strongly agreed' with the following statements:
Sexual health education in school should:
- be provided by educators who have sufficient knowledge and skills to deliver effective sexual health education
- address the broad range of factors that impact relationships, sexual health and overall social and emotional wellbeing
- be inclusive to all students regardless of gender identity
- be relevant and responsive to having sexual health needs of young people
- should promote the right to autonomous decision making and respect for others
- incorporate a balanced approach that includes the postie aspects of sexuality and relationships as well as the prevention of sexual health problems
- be scientifically accurate and use evidence based teaching methods.
Most parents want to be forewarned about school programs to ensure consistency with messaging across home and school, to provide families with opportunities to raise particular issues at home, and to be prepared for any questions that may arise.
Some parents specifically requested detailed information to be provided prior to the school program.
Notifying parents about RSE programs
It is best practice for schools to communicate clearly with parents/carers about the nature of the content they are covering in class for all subject areas, and especially important for RSE.
Sending home letters about the RSE program can keep parents informed. These sample letters can be used and adapted for your school:
Sample parent letter - primary
Sample parent letter - secondary
Teachers do not need to get permission to teach anything that is on the curriculum, however there are Department of Education guidelines on seeking parental permission to show any content that may be considered controversial.
Parents also have the right to request that their child be exempt from any class under Section 72 of the School Education Act 1999.
Strategies for strengthening partnerships with parents
- RSE professional development (free and low cost) - take advantage of the Department of Health funded PD for WA teachers run by The RSE Project.
- Take home activities - offer activities that encourage students to continue to discuss concepts at home with parents or other trusted adults. This is different to homework and does not need to be written down or marked! There are suggestions for take home activities within the learning activities on GDHR.
- After school sessions - offer after school sessions for parents and children. Invite the school health professionals to come along and meet the parents and explain their role in the school.
- Parent workshops - offer a workshop to inform parents about the content and resource that will be used in the program. These can be facilitated by school staff and/or external providers (supported by class teachers). See Agencies for a list of possible providers.
- Invite parents to a lesson - these lessons can be presented by the teachers or students can run the lesson to teach parents what they have been learning (a great way to synthetise and apply their learning!).
- P&C meeting - invite students to run one of the GDHR activities with the committee so that they can see the content and resources used in the lessons.
- Promote safety and wellbeing - ensure parents that the primary aim of RSE is the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. It is not all about sex. It covers a board range of topics that should be taught from birth such as: protective behaviours, emotional literacy, self-esteem, resilience, and respectful relationships - from family, friends to intimate relationship.
- Reassure parents with evidence - that comprehensive RSE programs have been found to:
- increase confidence and ability to make informed decisions
- delay first sexual experiences
- increase safer sex practices
- reduce risk taking
- provide opportunities for young people to learn and discuss relationships and sexuality outside of the home in a safe, supportive environment (rather than searching on the internet for answers!).
- Offer free resources - Talk soon. Talk often: a guide for parents talking to their kids 0-18 years about relationships and sex is a free resource from the Department of Health. It is available in bulk and delivered free to any school or health service in WA. There is also an interactive website that schools can share.
- Hendriks, J., Glasgow-Collins, R., Saltis, H., Marson, K., Walsh, J., Lawton, T., & Burns, S. (2022). Parents and their support for school-based relationships and sexuality education: Western Australia snapshot report. Collaboration for Evidence, Research and Impact in Public Health, Curtin University, Australia.
- UNESCO. 2018. International technical guidance on sexuality education: an evidence-informed approach. France: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.