❓ What methods worked well?
❓ What methods did not work so well?
Students develop an understanding of the parts and functions of the reproductive systems. This provides foundation knowledge for learning about about puberty, menstruation, conception and pregnancy.
Room preparation - This lesson requires space for students to work in groups - either on the floor or at desks. Desks can be pushed to the sides of the classroom or a music room/hall/art room/etc can be used.
NB: Ensure the chosen room has sufficient privacy. Students may feel self conscious and disengage if other students or teachers are able to see inside the room or enter the room unexpectedly.
Teaching Tip: Relationships and sexuality may be an exciting and interesting topic for some students; for others it may be embarrassing, uncomfortable or scary. Introducing each lesson with fun energisers that promote safe touch and group collaboration can help students to feel more comfortable.
Easier version - line up by day and month only.
Harder version - line up by day, month and year. Avoid giving further instructions as part of the challenge is for students to determine which order the line is going in and different ways of communicating their birthday without talking.
❓ What methods worked well?
❓ What methods did not work so well?
Teaching Tip: Relationships and sexuality may be an exciting and interesting topic for some students; for others it may be embarrassing, uncomfortable or scary. Introducing each lesson with fun energisers that promote safe touch and group collaboration can help students to feel more comfortable.
Easier version - line up by day and month only.
Harder version - line up by day, month and year. Avoid giving further instructions as part of the challenge is for students to determine which order the line is going in and different ways of communicating their birthday without talking.
❓ What methods worked well?
❓ What methods did not work so well?
❓ What are some ways that a male's and female's bodies are the same?
(Both usually have legs, arms, eyes, nipples, toes, hair, etc. Both can usually talk, dance, eat, etc).
Teaching Tip: This is a good opportunity to remind students of the diversity of bodies. Some people have disabilities, injuries or illnesses that mean their bodies may look or function in different ways. Everyone has a unique body that deserves respect.
❓ What are some of the ways that male's and female's bodies are different?
(Males usually have a penis, females usually have a vulva, females usually have larger breasts than males as their breasts may produce milk for babies, males may have more facial hair than females, females usually have a uterus, males usually have testicles, etc)
Teaching tip: Using inclusive language such as 'usually' and 'may' is a simple way to help make all people feel more included. Avoid using words like 'normally' and 'always' as it can make any other variation seem abnormal and negative.
"Many of the differences between male and female bodies are to do with the reproductive organs/system.
❓ What does reproduction mean?
(Reproduction means to make more of or to multiply).
These are the parts of the body that are needed to create a baby. Both male and female bodies play an important role in reproduction.
Today we are going to look at the parts of the male and female reproductive system and their functions.
❓ What does function mean?
(Function means 'what they do')."
Teaching tip: Whilst it is important that students know the correct names for body parts such as the penis, testicles, vulva, vagina, uterus/womb and clitoris, it is not important for students to know all of the reproductive organ technical terms for every reproductive part. For example, knowing that sperm travels through tubes that run from the testicles to the tip of the penis and out of the body is more important than labelling the epididymis and vas deferens. Understanding that there are glands that add fluid to the semen is more important than being able to spell the names of the different glands. This activity is to help students to understand how the parts are connected and the basic functions to help understand future concepts of puberty, menstruation and conception.
Teaching tip: In RSE it is important to avoid calling upon specific students for contributions, always ask for volunteers and remind students of their 'right to pass' as part of the group agreement.
(The Magno-mate reproductive kit is available for purchase or hire from Sexual Health Quarters. Alternatively, use the images provided in 'Related Items').
This need only be a simple, story-like explanation.
e.g. For female reproductive system:
"The ovaries are where the eggs are made and stored. They also make hormones. Most females are born with all of the (immature) eggs that they will ever have. These tubes (fallopian tubes) carry the eggs from the ovaries to the uterus. The uterus is where a baby grows during pregnancy. The vagina is the passageway from the uterus to the outside of the body. It is where the baby comes out and the penis goes in during sexual intercourse. The vulva is the name for the outside sexual parts - the inner lips, outer lips and the clitoris. The clitoris has lots of nerve endings, like the penis and is very sensitive. The outer lips usually become covered in hair during puberty. Both the inner and outer lips come in many different shapes, sizes and colours. This is the bladder, where urine (wee) collects. This tube (urethra) carries urine out of the body from the bladder. The opening is just in front of the opening of the vagina. This is the anus, where faeces (poo) comes out.
e.g. For male reproductive system
"The scrotum is the sack that holds the testicles. This is where the sperm are made. Millions of sperm are made every day. The testicles also make hormones. This is the penis, it comes in a range of sizes, shapes and colours. It has lots of nerve endings and is very sensitive. The penis has spongy tissue that can fill with blood and make the penis go hard (erection). These are the tubes that carry sperm from each of the testicles to the outside of the body through the tip of the penis. These glands make fluid that make part of the semen (which carries the sperm). This tube (urethra) runs from the bladder to the opening in the tip of the penis. It carries urine (wee) and semen out of the body. The bladder is where urine collects. The fold of skin that covers the head of the penis is called the foreskin. Some people have part or all of this skin removed (often as a baby) - this is called being circumcised. This is the anus, where faeces (poo) comes out."
"Everyone's body is different. Just as people have different height and hair colour, people also have differences in their reproductive organs. Penises, breasts and vulvas all come in different shapes, sizes and colours (despite what we see in the media).
Some people are born with natural variations in reproductive organs (and hormones and chromosomes) that don't fit into the typical definitions for male and female bodies that we have looked at today. This is called intersex.
Our bodies change over time. Puberty is the time when the body changes from a child to an adult. The changes to the reproductive organs are what makes it possible for people to have babies. We will be looking at these changes over the next few lessons."
The most important thing to remember is that everyone has a unique body that deserves respect."
Teaching tip: Establishing a question box when starting any RSE program is useful to allow students to ask questions anonymously and have them answered in a safe environment. Read Essential information: Question box guide for how to set up the system and how to answer tricky questions.